sony as fast as life
Sony. As Fast as Life
Photography / Campaign
Hicimos la fotografía de la nueva campaña de Sony “As fast as life” la cual introduce la cámara más rápida en auto-enfoque del mundo; alpha 6000.
“As fast as life” es el recorrido fotográfico de José Espínola y una alpha 6000 por México, capturando la velocidad de la urbe, retratando a esos personajes que mueven y dan identidad al país.
We have made the photographs for the Sony campaign “As Fast as Life”, introducing the new “alpha6000” camera, with the fastest auto-focus in the world.
“As Fast as Life” is Jose Espínola's and alpha6000'sphotographic journey across Mexico, capturing the speed in which the city moves, portraying characters who change and give identity to the country.